The following article was written by Jen Olive, who is part of the Development Team with YFCI. She lives in Lincoln, Nebraska USA with her wonderful husband of six years and their amazing 4-year old son. They are adding a baby girl to their family in October 2018!
VICTORY in His Name!
How easy is it to be overwhelmed by the enemy’s hold on us? It doesn’t take much for us to stop and acknowledge how much our world needs Jesus. We can look at our students we minister to, our bosses, our husbands, our children, ourselves, and we clearly see how sin often has its hold in our life. Does this compel you to find victory in Jesus’ name? I know it does for me.
In January, some close friends walked through a horribly hard journey. Just days after they welcomed their healthy baby boy into the world, they said their goodbyes as he made his home with Jesus. My heart broke for Nic and Ashley as they grieve the loss of her only son. How confusing is this world? There are no answers. More often than not there are no words. BUT JESUS.
Jesus reminds us that there is hope for those who believe. 1 Timothy 4:10 says, “For to this end we toil and strive, because we have our hope set on the living God, who is the Savior of all people, especially of those who believe.” We will have times of trial. Of times where it feels like life is so incredibly unfair. Of times when we know nothing more to do than to fall into the arms of Jesus.
Not too long ago the Lord reminded me of how our victory does not come from ANYTHING in this world (or us!) but from what Jesus accomplished for us on the cross. We didn’t deserve it. And we still don’t. But Jesus freely offers us this VICTORY that we get to have in HIS NAME! Let’s find our victory in Jesus’ name today and be freed from the bond that this world wants to have on us.
I encourage you to listen to this song and take some moments to hear from the Lord and how powerful His name can be in any circumstance in which we may find ourselves. Click Here to listen.
Jen Olive