‘Doing God’s Will’
How many ‘hats’ do you wear as a woman? I wear a number – wife, mom, caretaker of the home, daughter of my parents, sister to my siblings, national director and all that entails (administrator, problem solver, crisis manager, fundraiser), friend, Bible Study member, networker, public speaker, trainer, peer educator, coach, traveler, Young Leader Coordinator, ALT member, acting Regional Director…..need I go on ☺ ?
As women, we respond to all the ‘hats’ in different ways – sometimes we are overwhelmed, stretched thin, burnt out, running on fumes, as we handle all the responsibilities. At other times, we want to shut all else out, and just do nothing, be nothing to no one, and want to be left alone.
During the last prayer day, the verse reflected upon was 1 John 5:14 – “And this is the confidence we have toward Him, if we ask anything according to His will He hears us.” The conversation centered on doing God’s will, and having prayer answered. However, what struck my heart was the part ‘doing God’s will’.
In the various ‘hats’ is God’s will for you and for me, on a day to day basis, on a moment by moment basis. The big question is: Am I doing God’s will, irrespective of the ‘hat’ that I am a wearing? As I pondered this question, I realized that God has a purpose for me in each role. Sometimes the demands on certain roles are higher than others. If you are like me, there are some roles I want to give away and never take back.
Psalm 139:16 is a favorite of many, “In your book were written every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there were none of them.” (ESV) All my days as Anna, as a woman, are already ordered by God. God’s desire is that I would do His will, every moment, every ‘hat’, every day.
So now, I am not too focused on the many hats as much. My prayer now, is that I would do His will, and bring Him pleasure by doing His will in every ‘hat’. Focusing on His will brings us to a place where we are asking according to His will, and having answered prayer. A good equation: Asking His will + Doing His will = Answered prayer.
May you find great delight in doing His will for your life this month.
In the Lord, Anna Mumbua-Ngwiri
National Director, YFC Kenya
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