It’s now the first of March and the World Leadership Team and International Board will be gathering together at the YFCI office in Denver this week. As we start off the week with the YFCI monthly day of Prayer and Fasting (see link for this month below), we would appreciate your concerted prayers for these meetings.
It’s been great to see prayers being lifted up among the ladies of HATS. We hope you like the new HATS banner and will enjoy the new resource that will be introduced in the coming weeks. Please continue to invite YFC women to join us on this journey. May the Lord bless you with strength and peace! -The HATS Team
YFCI Day of Prayer and Fasting – March, 2015
Psalm 29:3,4 “The voice of the LORD is over the waters; the God of glory thunders, the LORD thunders over the mighty waters. The voice of the LORD is powerful; the voice of the LORD is majestic.” (link to all of Psalm 29)
Last month our theme was about God’s calling on your life. Our theme for the month of March is “LISTENING TO GOD’S VOICE”. How do you hear God’s voice and respond to Him? Please feel free to send us an e-mail at or post your contribution on Facebook.