Thanks for praying. The tests showed malaria is gone and my son is very fine. I am just weak, hope due to lots of medicine but working again. Remember to keep us in your prayers as we expect a baby next month. Thanks and may God bless you.
from Judith in Rwanda
Pray for my family as my son and I have been admitted to hospital. I had malaria which is a threat in our country and I am expecting soon. Surely God will hear us.
Hands Across The Seas – July, 2015
Thank you to those who responded to help with HATS and to those have posted prayer requests and other items on Facebook this past month. As our team increases we hope to have more consistency in the information shared by e-mail, on Facebook and at the web page. Please continue with your contributions and interaction.
Ephesians 1:18 – “I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the HOPE to which He has called you. . .”
A few months ago our theme was about calling. This month our theme is about HOPE. Did you know HOPE comes from God and God calls us to HOPE? Please join with us this Monday, July 6 for YFCI’s monthly Day of Prayer and Fasting (see link below) as the new YFC USA Prayer Coordinator shares about the real meaning of hope. Just as the thread of hope is reflected through many books of the Bible, we would encourage you to share your thoughts about HOPE via e-mails and Facebook throughout this month.
-The HATS Team
YFCI Day of Prayer & Fasting – July, 2015
Psalm 62:5-6 – “Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my HOPE comes from Him. Truly He is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken.“
from Maureen in Canada
Keep those prayers going ladies. God is answering our prayers. Jenny is improving each day.