It was a very scaring night to us as parents seeing Clifton suffering from severe pain. Providentially you prayed and the Lord intervened. Cliff is gaining strength and is able to eat since yesterday. It was found out that, the treatment was done carelessly. Unknowingly, Clifton had weak immune and low blood count which in actual sense would not allow such high level medical treatment on that particular day. The treatment routines are guided by regular tests which were not done. The giving procedures also show that some of the injections that were supposed to be diluted in the Normal Saline were forces through the veins by the inexperienced nurse.
Our hospital here is crowded by many people who suffer from various types of cancer, and unfortunately we have few cancer specialists in the cancer department not to say competent nurses. Trainees/ interns are being used to attend patients without close supervision. This situation always causes treatment disruption and unexpected medical reactions that may sometimes lead to unexpected death.
Once again, words cannot explain how grateful we’re. Thank you for praying!
Nyulahe family