Please pray for the Hernandez family in San Antonio, Texas as one of their girls was badly burned yesterday and is in ICU at a hospital there. Gilbert Hernandez is the YFC ED there, hosting YFC USA Midwinter in February.
From Raija in France
Please pray for Jesus to visit and touch Martin, a faithful friend of YFC who is in a hospital right now. May the Lord put His loving, healing hands on him, take away all his suffering and peacefully surround him, and give strength to all the family.
Our Lord is always in time to do what He has decided to do. May His Spirit and His life flow on you, may He do it in a special way on those who suffer. In the name of Jesus, Amen!
From Jean Baptiste in Rwanda
Subject: Thank you
Date: 12 October, 2015
Dear friends,
Marina’s send off service on Saturday was well attended by many people, each one of them had a testmony to share, though not everyone could speak because of limited time. We got messages of support from all over the wold, including those delivered by Mr Hilary, our Area Director on behalf of many brothers and sisters from Africa, and those delivered by Mr John Bastian on behalf of the YFCI President, the President of YFC/USA and the Chairman of the International Board of YFCI. Words of encouragement were so overwhelming, and testimonies of those who knew Marina also enriched our time at the Church. For my kids and I, we could not hold back our tears. The sense of loss was so huge, but the celebration of a life well invested was very high. Both brought us tears of sadness and of joy at the same time.
I am so thankful for one of our friends who helped my daughter Anysie to come to Rwanda on time. Marina and Anysie were able to see each other just few hours before Marina went to be with the Lord. And it has been so encouraging that all of us as a family were together during these difficult times.
We had a memorial service on Sunday and it was also well attended. For the whole week, our home was full of people. I do not know even how many stayed with us everyday, but I can guess that each day we had between 30 and 40 people staying with us, while the same number of visitors stayed at YFC/Rwanda facilities. Every evening we had a service and several meetings, both combined were always attended by over 60 people. In Church on Saturday and the burial site we think over one thousand people attended.
Now, almost everyone is gone, and me and the kids are confronted with the shear loss of Marina. It is time to readjust to our current realities.
Marina wanted me to say a huge thank you to you who prayed for her. To you who supported us in one way or another. To you who spent some hours or days taking care of her or taking care of the kids. Marina told me a few days before she died to tell you thank you. I know that if Marina had chance to speak to you, she would say things like: “I hope that you are a believer in and a follower of Jesus Chist”. She would say things like “God bless you”. She would say “thank you”. For me who was priviledged to be her husband, I know where she went. October 3rd, 2015 at night, in her difficulties to speak, she cried to God, and the hospital staff noted that. She said “God, I am ready come and take me home”. She eventually went home.
Again, dear friends, thank you and we will always be indebted to you. God bless you.
Jean Baptiste
Condolences for the Mugarura Family
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